
Flashback: Aubrey Graham aka DRAKE.


  1. we've been duped! i feel like Dorothy at the end of the movie!! THE WIZARD aint shit!

  2. this is so funny to see Drake all feeble like that. who knew. i knew he was on degrassi but not like that. lmfao.

  3. I HAVE TO DISAGREE. Drake never raps about being on the block...slingin dope...shootin up niggas...etc. Drake is in fact his middle name (not some made up moniker like SOULJABOYTELLEM). If you've ever listened to any of his tracks, you'll see that he raps about his everyday life and how the industry has changed him. He's a very vulnerable rapper that gives regular people like me and you a glimpse into the glamorous life that most imitate. Don't sleep. Don't hate. Good day!
